Homeschooling 101

Have you been homeschooling and still feel a little
lost? Are you new to home education or thinking
about homeschooling in the future? Home education
can be overwhelming. Whether you are on the fence
about home education, just starting off or need to
review the basics, this workshop is for you. Join

us as a panel of home educators share their ‘how-
to’s’ about getting started. Come see how different

doesn’t mean wrong. Ask the questions you need
answers to like “Am I qualified? How do I prepare?
Where can I go for help? What should I avoid? What
does Manitoba law require?” Plan to come and be
inspired to start to home educate your way.

Continue reading “Homeschooling 101”

Being Davids on Goliath’s Battlefield

Vanessa Brobbel

This session will look at the world issues of our time,
and how they can affect the way we interact with those
in our sphere of influence. History, geography, social
studies, and political sciences all point to the same
thing: If we hold fear in our hearts, this is what we
teach others to live in. The Canadian Church has much
to glean from the testimonies of those who stand
amidst direct opposition. We need to be prepared to
walk onto the battlefield no matter how big the giant
is and recognize in Christ we are more then adequately
equipped to win.

Continue reading “Being Davids on Goliath’s Battlefield”

Inspiring Moms to Gather Together

Angela Wiebe

As homeschoolers, we all hear the question, “what
about socialization?” But how often do we seek the
answer for ourselves?
Homeschooling offers a big, beautiful way to do
life surrounded by those we love the most. It also
necessitates that we pour out all we’ve got every day,
sometimes many times over. It can simultaneously
invoke feelings of blessing and desperation, fullness
and loneliness. For our health and effectiveness, we
need to stand together with other women who are
also purposing to raise their families to honour Christ.
So let’s explore, together, some of the ways we can
reach out to build community, connect with each
other, unload a bit, and laugh along the way!

Continue reading “Inspiring Moms to Gather Together”

The Inspiring Task of Raising Servant Leaders

Zan Tyler

Servants make the best leaders. Teaching your
children to love and serve others is the second most
important principle you will ever teach them. This
principle, in turn, provides the necessary foundation
for training them to become leaders. Come to this
workshop and learn how you can effectively teach
the lessons of service and leadership in the midst
of your already-full homeschool days. We will also
discuss how to build powerful, life-changing service
and leadership projects into your children’s everyday
lives. Be prepared to see your children come alive as
they experience the joy of serving others!

Continue reading “The Inspiring Task of Raising Servant Leaders”

Help! The High School Years Are Coming!

Roger and Jan Smith

Many parents are confident in managing decisions
and educational choices through the middle school
years, but shake with fear when looking ahead to the
high school years. The issues do seem to have greater
consequences, but Dr. Smith will show a mindset and
approach that can energize you to make them the
best years. Your emerging adults can become the one
who praises you, instead of being your greatest critic.
Together, you can not only save tons of money, but
you can launch your teen to find their own purpose.

Continue reading “Help! The High School Years Are Coming!”

Life in the Fiery Furnace: How to Heal and Prevent Homeschool Burnout

Zan Tyler

Have you ever said, “My kids are out of control!”?
Homeschooling places great demands on parents
and leads to great expectations. This combination
can set us up for an intense sense of failure and
disappointment. Homeschooling doesn’t always go
according to our plans. Even when we are doing our
best to follow God and love our families, we may
find ourselves in the “fiery furnace,” like Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego.
In this session, Zan explores the causes of burnout
and shares ways to avoid them. This workshop
contains many practical tips for finding joy in the
midst of trials. It also encourages a biblical vision for
what you are ultimately trying to accomplish in your
children’s lives through homeschooling—a vision that
will sustain you through the hard times and difficult
days that are sure to come.

Continue reading “Life in the Fiery Furnace: How to Heal and Prevent Homeschool Burnout”

Talk With Me: How Conversation Stimulates Learning

Zan Tyler

Relaxing and enjoying your children is an important
part of homeschooling. Focusing on conversation
with your kids is an important key to that.
Conversation is also an essential tool in providing
a rich educational experience. In the traditional
classroom environment, students have an average
of eight to ten individual interactions with their
teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal
interactions can number in the hundreds and greatly
enhance the quality of education your children
receive. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your
home and promote camaraderie, enthusiasm, and joy
in learning. Conversation is the key! Conversation IS
core curriculum.

Continue reading “Talk With Me: How Conversation Stimulates Learning”

Discipline That Draws Children Closer

Roger and Jan Smith

Conflict with our children can cause a great gulf
between us. Discipline in the home is a must, but it
need not create tension between us and our children.
The Smiths will share how Biblical discipline is often
misapplied, but more importantly, how we can pattern
our family discipline after that of our Heavenly Father.
Stories of parents doing it well will empower you
to make needed adjustments in your approach to

Continue reading “Discipline That Draws Children Closer”

Technology – Controlling it Before it Controls you

Jim and Vera Louden

Here we will cover what God’s vision is for families,
how parents should be the protectors and gatekeepers
of their home. Come learn how technology can affect
a child’s developing brain and why we should be on
guard. Technology can be a great resource but we
must learn to make it our servant and not let it become
our master. Let us tell you about our journey with our
children and what has worked for us in our home.

Continue reading “Technology – Controlling it Before it Controls you”