
  • The association affirms the primacy of parental responsibility for the welfare, socialization, and education of their children. Home educators receive no funding and the Manitoba Association of Christian Home Schools has the position that, as Home Educating parents, we are assuming full financial responsibility of educating our children. We oppose any government funding of home education in Manitoba. We feel any government funding would bring accountability and compromise our homeschool rights. “He that pays the piper calls the tune”
  • The association holds that parents have the right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. This includes home education.
  • The association further holds that the right to home education includes not merely a right over the place in which education occurs, but a right to determine the very content, process and timing of this education.
  • The association holds that any state interest in the education of the young is secondary to the responsibility of parents, and is strictly limited to those skills and knowledge which are demonstrably necessary to the formation of functional citizenship in a free and democratic society. The association holds all matters of social, religious, ideological, political, cultural and economic nature to be personal options and therefore outside the compelling interest of the state.
  • The association holds that student assessment is an integral part of the education process, and that parents have the sole right and responsibility to determine the methods and instruments to be used to ensure the educational welfare of the child.



Also, please be sure to check out HSLDA Canada. The Home School Legal Defense Association of Canada is a separate body from MACHS. They are a nonprofit legal organization dedicated to protecting the rights of parents to home school in Canada and the U.S.

HSLDA membership is $220 annually per family. MACHS members can receive a discounted membership of $180, please contact MACHS for discount information.