Israel Wayne – Session Details
Friday, March 28th
PRAIRIE HALL – Techno-Parenting: Navigating Screens and Media – Israel Wayne – FRI-11:00am
Workshop 2 - Friday, 11:00-12:00pm
Parents today struggle with knowing how to balance their child’s use of technology and screen-time. On the one hand, we want our children to know how to use technology in the ever-changing global economy, but on the other, we struggle with knowing how much screen-time is harmful and addictive. This session will help give you courage and competency to navigate these difficult issues.
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
KEYNOTE – Education, Does God Have an Opinion? – Israel Wayne – FRI-1:15pm
KEYNOTE 1 - Friday, 1:15-2:15pm
Is Education a neutral subject? Does God have a preference for how He wants children to be educated? What does the Bible teach about schooling? Is there one correct path for education? Are public schools a viable option for Christians? These questions and more will be discussed in this engaging presentation.
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
KEYNOTE – FREE Session – Education From a Biblical Worldview – Israel Wayne – FRI-7:00pm
KEYNOTE 2 - Friday, 7:00-8:00pm
Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lenses of scripture.
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
Saturday, March 29th
PRAIRIE HALL – Avoiding & Recovering From Homeschooling Mistakes – Israel Wayne – SAT-9:00am
Workshop 5 - Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the home-education movement, Israel will help you to avoid some of the top errors many parents make in the homeschooling process. The tips offered in this session can save you hundreds of dollars and perhaps years of regret from committing these costly errors.
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
PRAIRIE HALL – Helping the ADD / ADHD Child – Israel Wayne – SAT-2:30pm
Workshop 7 - Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
If you have a hyperactive or easily distractible child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message that shares stories from his experience as an ADHD child himself. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and will be encouraged that there is hope for your child!
Israel Israel desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
KEYNOTE & Grad – The Difference Between Schooling and Education – Israel Wayne – SAT-4:00pm
KEYNOTE 4 - Saturday, 4:00-5:30pm
Most people think of schooling when they hear the word “education.” In reality, however, the two are not intrinsically linked in any way. Learn why most people are schooled, but never truly educated, and how you can ensure your children get a great education, even without schooling.
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.