Pat is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Teen Track – Session Details
PRAIRIE HALL Creation Quest (our Teen Track speakers) will be presenting this out-of-the-box Creation message, with humor and thought-provoking content presented in such a way that the audience never knows what’s coming next. Come see how science and the Bible work in harmony and be challenged to live out the purpose you were created for! TEEN TRACK One of the biggest battles is the true value of humans. This presentation will show that our meaning and purpose come from God himself! TEEN TRACK The earth is claimed to be considered old due to the fossils and layers. But where do those fit into the Bible? Before Creation? During Creation? After Creation? And what about the scientific evidence? This presentation shows that we can trust the chronologies of the Bible when it confirms that the world is only thousands of years old, not millions. TEEN TRACK In a world filled with lies and half-truths, it’s easy for cracks to appear in our foundation of faith. This presentation aims to restore our understanding of what we can truly base our foundation on: the Word of God. It seeks to answer questions about the origin and reliability of the Bible. TEEN TRACK There are some serious problems for the idea that mutations and natural selection can drive evolution forward. In this presentation, the audience will actually be taught the theory of evolution and why it doesn’t work.
Workshop 1 - Friday, 9:00-10:30am
Creation Quest, reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. The founder of Creation Quest, Pat Roy has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them.
Friday, 11:00-12:00pm
Pat is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Friday, 1:15-2:15pm
Pat is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Friday, 2:45-3:45pm
Joshua is an apologetics fanatic finishing up his Master’s Degree at Liberty University. Creation was his first love in apologetics, which upon stumbling upon turned him from making working machines in engineering to working for God. He believes that a good foundation in apologetics, especially in creation, is one sure-fire way to grow confidence in God’s Word and therefore to grow in your Christian walk.
Friday, 4:15-5:15pm
Pat Roy is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
TEEN TRACK Dinosaurs confuse Christians more than just about any other topic that we’ve dealt with. This presentation will discuss dinosaurs living with man, dinosaur soft-tissue discoveries, and dinosaur graveyards -- how they make a strong case for the worldwide Flood. TEEN TRACK This presentation serves as a reminder that we are not of this world. How has God called us to be different? How can we strive to live a life that is strong in faith, rather than being drawn into the influences of the world around us? TEEN TRACK It’s great to know all the Biblical and scientific apologetics, but they’re useless unless you know how to use them to share the Gospel with others! TEEN TRACK This presentation aims to encourage Christians to embrace the life that God has called them to. It’s easy to let the fears of the world bring us down, but this message inspires believers to live boldly. It’s about living the abundant life and recognizing that God wants us to embark on an adventure. This presentation draws insights from the book of Daniel.
Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
Pat Roy is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Saturday, 10:30-11:30am
Pat Roy is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
Pat Roy is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
Pat Roy is the founder of Creation Quest, an organization that reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. Pat has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them. Pat and his wife Sandy created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God’s Word.