2025 Weekend Schedule & Workshop Information
(See below for detailed descriptions of each workshop – click the Red links)
Thursday, March 27
11:00 am – 3:00 pm – Used Curriculum / Book Sale at Westwood Community Church (401 Westwood Dr, Winnipeg, MB)
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – FREE Before You Begin Workshop
Friday, March 28 8:30 am – Registration open 9:00 am – The Genesis Experience 9:30 am – Workshop 1 10:00 am – Exhibit Hall open 11:00 am – Workshop 2 and Teen Track 12:00 pm – Lunch & Special Needs Meet & Greet 1:15 pm – Keynote – Israel Wayne 2:45 pm – Workshop 3 4:15 pm – Workshop 4 5:15 pm – Supper Break 6:30 pm – Keynote Prelude and Worship 6:45 pm – Exhibit Hall closes 7:00 pm – Keynote – Israel Wayne 8:00 pm – Documentary -How Do They Homeschool? -Ep.1 |
Saturday, March 29 8:30 am – Registration open 9:00 am – Exhibit Hall open 9:00 am – Workshop 5 and Teen Track 10:30 am – Keynote – Linda Lacour Hobar 11:30 am – Lunch – Meet & Greet, Documentary Documentary – How Do They Homeschool? – Ep.2 Regional Rep Meet & Greet 1:00 pm – Workshop 6 2:30 pm – Workshop 7 3:45 pm – Exhibit hall closes 4:00 pm – Graduation Recognition and closing Keynote |
Workshop Details
Thursday, 7:00-9:00PM – FREE SESSION back to top
1-DILIGENCE Starting to home educate can be overwhelming. Whether you are on the fence about home education, just starting off or need to review the basics, this workshop is for you. Join us as a panel of home educators share their 'how-to's' about getting started. Come see how different doesn't mean wrong. Ask the questions you need answers to like “Am I qualified? How do I prepare? Where can I go for help? What should I avoid? What does Manitoba law require?” This is a free session open to the public. Plan to come and be inspired to start to home educate your way. Panelists: Vera Louden, Heather Teichrib, Shauna Wagenhoffer, Heather Wickstrom Moderator: Stacy Fraser
Friday, 9:00-10:30AM – The Genesis Experience back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Creation Quest (our Teen Track speakers) will be presenting this out-of-the-box Creation message, with humor and thought-provoking content presented in such a way that the audience never knows what’s coming next. Come see how science and the Bible work in harmony and be challenged to live out the purpose you were created for!
Workshop 1 - Friday, 9:00-10:30am
Creation Quest, reaches out to families to teach them about the importance of Creation and God’s Word. The founder of Creation Quest, Pat Roy has created a four month module of classes for children 10-18, to reinforce the idea that God is the Master Creator who loves them and that they have ultimate purpose…the opposite of what the current culture teaches them.
Friday, 9:30-10:30AM – Workshop 1 back to top
1-DILIGENCE Who are the worst of the worst dictators of the 20th century? Opinions may vary but you can join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, to learn about the chilling rise to power of Vladimir Lenin, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler. No previous knowledge needed to appreciate what “should” be learned from history! 2-HARMONY - Sponsored Session We have a biblical mandate to raise the children entrusted to us, to "train up a child in the way he should go" Proverbs 22:6a. But at what point does that training lead into practice? How do we as parents encourage children to "go" and serve while continuing to protect and train? Hear straight from the homeschool community on the necessity of worship through ministry service and how it starts in the home. We present the Gospel, particularly to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ and especially to children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church. Panelists: TBA Moderator: Michael Bergen 3-PURITY Genesis 1-3 offers foundational truths about God, His world, and us—essential for grasping Scripture and reality itself. We’ll examine key truths from Creation and the Fall, linking them to giving our children a Christian education. 4-VERITY Choosing curriculum doesn’t start with the right books but with acknowledging your family’s uniqueness. Until you know what you are working towards how can you choose the right tools? When you are ready to assemble your tool kit, you will need both standard tools that are similar to everyone else’s (language arts and math) and those that meet the needs of your particular situation. (Gaelic anyone?) There is no magic bullet for getting homeschool right but there is a way to optimize the plan for your family. This workshop will be full of both big picture planning and ground level preparation tools for getting the right resources to serve you as you travel along on your homeschooling journey.
Workshop 1 - Friday, 9:30-10:30am
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Workshop 1 - Friday, 9:30-10:30am
Workshop 1 - Friday, 9:30-10:30am
Eric Honsberger, is husband to Kara and father to Riley, Micah, Keziah, Haddon, Glory, and Acacia. He has served as lead pastor of Cornerstone Bible Church in Steinbach since 2016. Together, they homeschool their children, with their oldest starting grade 12 in the fall.
Workshop 1 - Friday, 9:30-10:30am
Cori Dean is a wife, a mom, a teacher, a writer and publisher, and book addict. She and her husband, Mark, have graduated three students from their exclusive all-girls school and have one teenager left at home. Cori enjoys speaking to homeschoolers coast to coast and is the author or editor of several publications including, Working Together: Teamwork Starts at Home Base. The Deans live in Bradford, Ontario where they own and run The Learning House, Canada’s premier homeschool resource provider and publishing house. They are also in full-time ministry with The Shop Vehicle Donation Program, a program of Youth for Christ. Cori loves long days of bicycling as well as camping and boating with the family or mucking in the garden and thinks there’s nothing better than a good book, some dark chocolate, and a cup of tea.
Friday, 11:00-12:00PM – Workshop 2 back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Parents today struggle with knowing how to balance their child’s use of technology and screen-time. On the one hand, we want our children to know how to use technology in the ever-changing global economy, but on the other, we struggle with knowing how much screen-time is harmful and addictive. This session will help give you courage and competency to navigate these difficult issues. 1-DILIGENCE Most of us have heard of the rise and fall of Rome. But we’re only vaguely familiar with who, what, when, and how this occurred—as well as why it matters! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series The Mystery of History, for insight into the story of the western Roman empire….and how it applies to our world today. As the old aphorism goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it!” 2-HARMONY This session led by Gerald Huebner (former MACHS board member) and Megen Zelinka (HSLDA senior legal counsel), will review the homeschool legal situation in Manitoba and across Canada. MACHS had also invited a presentation involving Manitoba Education Homeschool Liasion staff. There will be opportunities for you to get answers to your questions and concerns regarding legal aspects of homeschooling in Manitoba. 3-PURITY Come on a visual exploration of caverns, mineral springs, mines, and other underground areas of our planet which throw into question the vast age of cavern formations. How caverns formed will be discussed. Vance has travelled to many areas of the world to “un-earth” new evidence demonstrating the formations seen on typical cavern tours do not require vast periods of time to form. Stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and even “cave bacon” have all been found forming rapidly around the world. If you have heard caverns and the formations within them take long periods of time to form, you must see this presentation. Biblical creation chronology and history will be supported as presented in Genesis 1-11. 4-VERITY Men in the Bible made a ton of mistakes! But so do we, right? What can we learn from their mistakes so we don’t have to make the same ones? Let’s learn together how a man’s choices, words, and actions influence his family. Jason Weening has been married to Alli for almost 20 years. They have nine great kids and one they’re not sure about who they’ll meet in April. Jason spent 10 years in agricultural manufacturing, four years working at their church and is now a self-employed content creator at heydads.ca .
Workshop 2 - Friday, 11:00-12:00pm
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
Workshop 2, Friday, 11:00-12:00pm
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Workshop 2 - Friday, 11:00-12:00pm
A homeschool graduate herself, Megen attended Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Ontario, and practiced in the areas of child protection and family law. Since 2017, when she began working with HSLDA Canada as one of the lawyers "on call" for HSLDA members, she has successfully assisted hundreds of members with constructive solutions to their legal issues and guided them in dealing with authorities. She also keeps track of potential legislative changes that may affect homeschooling families and works with provincial associations to lobby for change in homeschooling law and policy. She and her lawyer husband live in Toronto, Ontario, where they homeschool their children
Gerald Huebner, veteran parents of two home educated children, and now grandparents of four home educated grandchildren, from Arborg, Manitoba, Canada. Gerald and Bev have served in home education leadership for 35 plus years at the provincial and national level in Canada and Gerald is the board chair of the Home School Legal Defense Association of Canada (HSLDA) and the Canadian Centre for Home Education. Gerald and Bev serve to advance parental educational choice broadly and the human right to choose home education internationally as chair of the Global Home Education Exchange Council board. Gerald has extensive experience having worked for over 37 years in senior management in the Government of Manitoba. Although Gerald & Bev started homeschooling with the plan to do it for only one year, they went on to experience the joys and challenges of teaching their two children all the way to high school graduation. All of this life, work, and home experience gave them the credibility to also become involved in homeschool leadership at the local, provincial, national and global level. Gerald and Bev has spoken on home education in ten provinces and more than 30 countries, and have been a great encouragement to many.
Workshop 2 - Friday 11:00-12:00pm
Vance Nelson was born into a non-Christian home in Manitoba, Canada in 1973, and went through life like many in our world today, without the knowledge of Jesus Christ. At age nineteen, Vance accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and started on a new journey to tell his old friends about the one who created them—Jesus.
Vance has earned both a theology and a biology degree, and has spent a decade and a half doing field research in various locations around the globe. He is the director of Creation Truth Ministries Inc. He is also the founder of Untold Secrets of Planet Earth Publishing Company Inc. which he began as a means to distribute his research and promote the evidence supporting Biblical creation.
Vance and his wife now have three daughters: aged twenty years, fourteen years, and twelve years old, all of which they have homeschooled. Vance now travels all over the world doing research, writing, and speaking on the topic of the Creation and its vital importance to the Christian faith.
Workshop 2 - Friday, 11:00-12:00pm
Friday, 11:30-1:00PM – Lunch -Special Needs Meet & Greet back to top
2-HARMONY Whether it is a learning, physical, cognitive, or behavioral disability you are not alone. Come and meet with other parents that have children with difficulties. Find like minded people who are looking for a community to ask, answer, encourage and support one another.
Friday 12:00-1:00PM
Friday, 1:15-2:15PM – KEYNOTE back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Is Education a neutral subject? Does God have a preference for how He wants children to be educated? What does the Bible teach about schooling? Is there one correct path for education? Are public schools a viable option for Christians? These questions and more will be discussed in this engaging presentation.
KEYNOTE 1 - Friday, 1:15-2:15pm
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
Friday, 2:45-3:45PM – Workshop 3 back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Big or small, grand or modest, every house has blueprints that includes a foundation, a frame, and rooms to fill. The same is true for home education! Like a house, this way of life needs a strong foundation, a workable frame, and rooms to fill with all “pleasant and precious riches” as described in Proverbs 24:3-4. If you don’t have a biblical blue print for your homeschool—or need to remodel the one you’ve got—join us for an insightful look at a biblical blueprint for home education.” No building experience required! 1-DILIGENCE This session will explore the common vision dysfunctions seen in children who otherwise have “healthy” eyes. We will provide an overview of Vision Therapy and discuss some symptoms to look for when wondering if your child could benefit from Vision Therapy. During this session, we will have some hands-on materials to help demonstrate some of these conditions and will be answering vision related questions. Join us for this one-hour informative lecture that will equip you with the necessary knowledge to recognize the red flags of these binocular vision dysfunctions. 2-HARMONY Meet 4 moms who do homeschool very differently. Learn the difference between doing unit studies, doing school ‘out-of-the-box’, Charlotte Mason style or Literature based homeschooling. Come and be encouraged that it is the heart behind homeschooling and not the method or ‘style’ that will affect your students the most. Panelists: Jaime Geisbrecht, Vera Louden, Shauna Wagenhoffer, Danielle Kirpluk Moderator: Heather Teichrib 3-PURITY Of all the subjects and concepts you will teach to your children, there is one central thing that every parent must prioritise as being of first importance. Every other subject you will teach truly pales in comparison to this one lesson. In this session we will explore the central importance of the gospel in Christian education. 4-VERITY This session provides a wealth of knowledge to help you master your money and go from “struggling” to “surplus” (using the Margin Meter). You will also be introduced to the Five Simultaneous Competing Priorities for the use of money and discover the Five Biblical Principles to guide your financial decisions. This session will help you be a better steward of your resources and move you toward contentment. A time for Q&A will be available.
Workshop 3 - Friday, 2:45-3:45pm
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Workshop 3 - Friday, 2:45-3:45pm
Dr. Kaitlyn Rose earned her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in French from the University of Waterloo in Canada. She attended the New England College of Optometry (NECO) in Boston, MA, where she earned her Doctor of Optometry Degree and is Board Certified, American Board of Optometry. Dr. Rose is a member of the Ontario Association of Optometrist as well as the Manitoba Association of Optometrists. Dr. Rose is currently completing a residency in Stonewall and Winnipeg in the optometric specialty of Pediatrics, Vision Therapy, and Vision Rehabilitation.
Workshop 3 - Friday, 2:45-3:45pm
Workshop 3 - Friday, 2:45-3:45pm
Riley Toews serves as a pastor of Grace Covenant Church in Altona. He and his wife Diana have 4 children, whom they home-disciple in Gretna, MB.
Workshop 3 - Friday, 2:45-3:45pm
Lorne Robinson, has more than 35 years of progressive experience which includes pastoral ministry and serving clients as a financial advisor. Lorne serves as National Director for Kingdom Advisors Canada (a network of Christian financial professionals providing advice based on Biblical financial principles) and Executive Director - Canada for Compass Financial Ministry. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Theology, CFP® (Certified Financial Planner), CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), and CKA® (Certified Kingdom Advisor), equipping him to communicate stewardship more effectively. His passion is to help people find a deeper purpose in their financial dealings and contentment with their lifestyle.
Friday, 4:15-5:15PM – Workshop 4 back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Looking for inspiration in your study of ancient times? Come discover what happens when Bible history and world history meet face to face – literally! With a look at Daniel and Belshazzar, Esther and Xerxes, Jesus and Pilate, and more, you will see bible characters and world history figures “meet” on one seamless, thought-provoking timeline. Through stories and activities for all ages, let His-story be revealed. 1-DILIGENCE Heather Teichrib has been walking the homeschool road for over 21 years now. Through infants and toddlers, loss and grief, working and starting a business, graduating and marrying off kids, the road has been rewarding yet challenging through different seasons. Come, be challenged and encouraged to continue in your own journey, no matter the path you find yourself on! 2-HARMONY You might be asking- Can I do this? Where do I start? This session will provide encouragement and practical advice for the key challenges often confronting new homeschoolers, including: How do I notify the government? What curriculum do I use? How do I keep records? ....and much more! 3-PURITY - Sponsored Session Through her unique perspective as a parent of five children (two with additional learning needs), a neuro-education specialist, and a child of God, Karen is committed to helping you experience peace and confidence as you lead your children. 4-VERITY Discipleship can only happen at the speed of relationship. Homeschooling is a gift and opportunity to do this exact thing - relationally grow disciples of Jesus.
Workshop 4 - Friday, 4:15-5:15pm
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Workshop 4 - Friday, 4:15-5:15pm
Heather Teichrib is married to her high school sweetheart, Dana. Together they have ten children and five and a half grandchildren. They have been homeschooling for over 21 years.
Workshop 4 - Friday, 4:15-5:15pm
Stacy Fraser is a homeschooling mom to four school aged children, one preschooler and three homeschool grads. After having her three oldest children in public and private Christian schools while teaching in public high schools, she and her husband made the decision in 2009 to pull the kids out and have been homeschooling ever since. She brings a unique perspective to the choices parents face of where, how, and why our children should be educated. She is passionate about helping parents to see the eternal implications of their investment in their children’s lives and educations.
Workshop 4 - Friday, 4:15-5:15pm
Explore how brain health and the science of neuroplasticity can profoundly change overall wellness and success. Learn practical techniques you can incorporate into your day, explore innovative resources, and be inspired by the transformative changes that come from improving brain health.
By targeting and strengthening the weak cognitive functions that underlie specific learning challenges--such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia--or the effects of ADHD, anxiety, Autism, and brain injury or brain fog, people of all ages can experience success in every area of life, including social-emotional well-being
Karen Friesen is a dedicated educator with a Bachelor's in Education and a Master of Arts specializing in English instruction. She is also a licensed provider of the Arrowsmith Program. Over 18 years, Karen homeschooled her five children and continues to lead the Winnipeg South Homeschool Collective, which she founded in 2012.
She believes that your brain is powerful, and the fine details make all the difference in helping you thrive. As a parent of children with additional learning needs, she saw the gaps in the typical education model for those who didn’t learn the same way. Despite all the professional diagnoses, her family was left searching for lasting answers. They needed more than a pile of resources and yet another referral. What they needed were real solutions.
Since being told that he had severe learning difficulties, Karen's son put in the work with the Arrowsmith Program. He’s now opening doors to his exciting future as a full scholarship student athlete. As a parent, she’s beyond thrilled for him, and wants the same for you.
Workshop 4 - Friday, 4:15-5:15pm
And then send them out on His mission!
All Christians are called to be disciples who make disciples. And your home is where it all begins. Schooling is serving your purpose.
Rhonda Catani is a homeschooling veteran who has been disciplining her 4 children through life and education in the home for the last 18 years. She has her B.A. in Church Ministries from Providence College and Seminary and has worked and served in church and para-church ministry all of her adult life, the most recent role of being a church-planting wife at Osborne Village Church as well as working for Luke 9:23 Ministries, a U.S. ministry that offers supportive services for churches, church plants and faith based organizations. She has proudly watched over 700 Hallmark movies and loves a good happy ending.
Friday, 7:00-8:00PM – KEYNOTE back to top
PRAIRE HALL * * MACHS BOARD INTRODUCTION & HSLDA UPDATE * * Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lenses of scripture. PRAIRIE HALL ** After the Keynote Session ** Join the Friesen family on an inspiring journey as they redefine homeschooling through the lens of discipleship. Their unconventional approach to education prioritizes a deep relationship with God and a passion for serving others. From their home in rural Canada to the heart of Mexico, they experience the transformative power of faith as they guide their children towards a life of purpose and eternal significance.
KEYNOTE 2 - Friday, 7:00-8:00pm
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
Friday, 8:00-8:30PM
Mercer & Rachelle Lawrenson are homeschooled filmmakers creating short documentary series including "How Do They Homeschool?" and "Dawn". They live with their three children in Letellier, MB. They enjoy raising their little ones, gardening, and film making. They are excited to share the first two episodes of the "How Do They Homeschool" series at the MACHS conference.
Saturday, 9:00-10:00AM – Workshop 5 back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the home-education movement, Israel will help you to avoid some of the top errors many parents make in the homeschooling process. The tips offered in this session can save you hundreds of dollars and perhaps years of regret from committing these costly errors. 1-DILIGENCE Want to better understand the headlines? Then you need “Modern History that Everyone Ought to Know!” Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, as she recounts world-shaking events from the 20th century to present day from a biblical worldview. With vivid snapshots of the Cold War, the War in Korea, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, and more, students and teachers will not only see the past more clearly but be better prepared for the future! 2-HARMONY Do you have a child that needs a little (or a lot) more attention than the others? Do you feel as though you are the only one in this situation? Come learn that you are not alone. Listen to a panel consisting of homeschool parents and hear from a psychologist that helps parents. They will share how they teach their special needs children and how to tackle the highs and lows. Panelists: Kelly Gislason, Lynn Kleinsasser, Alide Sanguin, Kristy Burton Moderator: Cheryl Ronald 3-PURITY Get equipped with crucial knowledge and become aware of some of the challenges homeschooling families face so you can protect your family from interfering agencies and individuals. With a focus on prevention and early intervention, HSLDA Canada has the legal experience and expertise to equip you to protect your family’s home education choice. You’ll learn about the two broad categories that concern homeschooling families and the prevention tips to avoid or deal with these legal challenges. 4-VERITY Father’s, you are created to direct, teach, and shepherd your family in life’s learning. Discover how you can effectively serve your family as God intended. Realize the position you’ve always had, and may not have known. Uncover tips on how to involve your family in your busy life.
Workshop 5 - Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
Workshop 5 - Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Workshop 5 - Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
Workshop 5 - Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
A homeschool graduate herself, Megen attended Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Ontario, and practiced in the areas of child protection and family law. Since 2017, when she began working with HSLDA Canada as one of the lawyers "on call" for HSLDA members, she has successfully assisted hundreds of members with constructive solutions to their legal issues and guided them in dealing with authorities. She also keeps track of potential legislative changes that may affect homeschooling families and works with provincial associations to lobby for change in homeschooling law and policy. She and her lawyer husband live in Toronto, Ontario, where they homeschool their children
Workshop 5 - Saturday, 9:00-10:00am
Karl Wagenhoffer is husband to his lovely wife Shauna, and father to four children: Heidi, Hannah, Levi, and Megan. He enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the Lord, Life, and Learning with his family. Believing learning is a life mindset, he seeks to share that joy with those around him.
Saturday, 10:30-11:30AM – KEYNOTE back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Shaped by our personality types, grades have the power to motivate some and the propensity to destroy others! So, how do you decide when to grade or not to grade? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, and a veteran homeschool mom, for varying theories on grade keeping, tips for grading numerous subjects, and practical ideas for managing the grades you choose to keep. With Linda’s “real life” examples from the work of her own children, this session is designed to encourage both new and experienced homeschool teachers. Students are welcome to join.
KEYNOTE 3 - Saturday, 10:30-11:30am
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Saturday, 12:00-1:00PM – Lunch -Documentary & Meet Regional Representatives back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Step into the world of the Wagenhoffers, a homeschooling family in rural Manitoba, where faith and learning intertwine. See how they integrate biblical teachings with hands-on experiences, fostering a love for knowledge and a deep connection with their children. Explore the unique dynamics of a family where the pursuit of education is guided by their Christian beliefs, shaping not just their curriculum but their entire way of life 3-PURITY Come and meet your regional Representatives! This great group of ladies is working towards connecting people in each area of Manitoba. Enjoy some great fellowship as you connect with people (and the representative) from your area.
Saturday, 11:30AM-12:00PM
Mercer & Rachelle Lawrenson are homeschooled filmmakers creating short documentary series including "How Do They Homeschool?" and "Dawn". They live with their three children in Letellier, MB. They enjoy raising their little ones, gardening, and film making. They are excited to share the first two episodes of the "How Do They Homeschool" series at the MACHS conference.
Saturday 11:30-12:30PM
Saturday, 1:00-2:00PM – Workshop 6 back to top
PRAIRIE HALL Need to brush up on art history? Want a better grasp on the masters of the Renaissance? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, for a delightful presentation of six major artists of the Renaissance that everyone ought to know. This fact-filled lecture includes beautiful family-friendly slides of world famous masterpieces with a fun test for all ages. No experience needed! 1-DILIGENCE It has been said that if we are too heavenly minded, we will not be of any earthly good. God’s word says the opposite! In this session, we will explore how a clear vision for future glory shapes and strengthens Christian parenting. 2-HARMONY Don't let the fear of teaching math stop you from God's calling to homeschool your children. This session will put your fears to ease as Linda (a self identified math-lover!) gives practical advice and wisdom to guide you in teaching math. We'll explore different curricula, debate calculator use, discuss how to get help when you are stuck and more. From the early years to the seniors, there will be something for each of you to take home and apply. You've got this! 3-PURITY Credit cards are not your friend! After hearing this, Jason applied good financial advice and climbed out of his financial hole. Hear practical ideas on how to pay off debt, how to make money with your kids and how to buy a 15-passenger van with a briefcase full of cash! Jason Weening has been married to Alli for almost 20 years. They have nine great kids and one they’re not sure about who they’ll meet in April. Jason spent 10 years in agricultural manufacturing, four years working at their church and is now a self-employed content creator at heydads.ca . 4-VERITY Empower your homeschooling journey with this comprehensive class. Learn how to navigate the unique challenges of teaching young children, from toddlers to 4th grade. Discover strategies for; how to get started, managing homeschooling with babies and toddlers in the mix, creating a schedule and routine that works for your family, and gain some tips and tricks too! Improve your confidence and clarity as you embark on this rewarding journey. Heather Wickstrom is a first generation homeschool mom of five, with more than ten years experience. She serves on the MACHS board and as the MACHS Winnipeg Regional Representative. She is also the creator and author of the Winnipeg Homeschool Events Newsletter. Heather loves people and is passionate about community and bringing homeschoolers together.
Workshop 6 - Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a genuine “people-person,” and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling her children, and service as a missionary, she discovered a deep love for world history. In 2000, Linda sensed a clear call to write The Mystery of History for her children, grandchildren, and generations to come that they might know “the mystery of God . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:3)
Workshop 6 - Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
Mark Reimer serves as a pastor of Grace Life Church in Selkirk, MB. He and his wife Lindsay also disciple their four children at their home in Beausejour, MB.
Workshop 6 - Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
Linda Karn and her husband home educated their children from birth through to adulthood and they all went on to university or college. Our teaching style was a much more relaxed unschooling environment as we realized that learning in children soars when it is interest based. Reading great books was the mainstay of our educational program. The public library was our favourite place to visit in our city. Linda's oldest child had checked out over 3,000 items and ended up being hired by the library in her mid teens. Linda volunteers as the librarian in her church. She loves children and loves education. She wants all children to have the best possible education which is why she has recently started the West Winnipeg Homeschool Co-op to support and encourage homeschool families and why she ran in the 2022 Manitoba municipal elections and is now a Public School Trustee in Pembina Trails School Division.
Workshop 6 - Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
Workshop 6 - Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
Saturday, 2:30-3:30PM – Workshop 7 back to top
PRAIRIE HALL If you have a hyperactive or easily distractible child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message that shares stories from his experience as an ADHD child himself. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and will be encouraged that there is hope for your child! 1-DILIGENCE Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of doing school when your kids are past the little stage? Are you already in the thick of it and struggling? Heather Teichrib and Stacy Fraser have been homeschooling for a combined three plus decades and know the challenges and rewards of this season first hand. Having graduated seven of their eighteen children, they are here to share their experiences and what they have learned along the way as well as encourage you that not only can you successfully educate your children through high school, it may end up being your favourite and most rewarding stage! 2-HARMONY Two days of just listening can be like drinking from a fire hose. Step into a session that teaches experientially. You will learn by example how to put a Biblical worldview and social studies into everyday subjects like art. You will leave this session with a full lesson plan you’ve now experienced and are prepared to teach. An instructional spark of teaching possibilities from this homeschool mom who had children with learning challenges, to you. 3-PURITY Come and be encouraged in your call to motherhood; the joys, and challenges, but more about how to walk into the life that Christ has prepared you and equipped you for! Often, as mothers, we feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Come and see how you can be broken, while not being breakable. 4-VERITY This session will seek to encourage fathers to take a proactive approach in helping sons through adolescence into manhood, no matter what your background is, or how ill equipped you may feel.
Workshop 7 - Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
Israel Israel desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.
Workshop 7 - Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
Heather Teichrib, Heather Teichrib is married to her high school sweetheart, Dana. Together they have ten children and five and a half grandchildren. They have been homeschooling for over 21 years.
Stacy Fraser is a homeschooling mom to four school aged children, one preschooler and three homeschool grads. After having her three oldest children in public and private Christian schools while teaching in public high schools, she and her husband made the decision in 2009 to pull the kids out and have been homeschooling ever since. She brings a unique perspective to the choices parents face of where, how, and why our children should be educated. She is passionate about helping parents to see the eternal implications of their investment in their children’s lives and educations.
Workshop 7 - Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
Vanessa Brobbel, a veteran homeschool mom & artist, works alongside her husband Floyd (CEO) for a ministry called The Voice of the Martyrs Canada. Much of her work involves speaking at and developing events, educational and special projects, women’s ministry and writing monthly VOM magazine Table Talk unit studies for families. For the past 24 years she has spoken at conferences & women’s retreats across Canada in this capacity. This ministry purposes to create an awareness of the persecution leveled against Christians around the world, while actively providing tools to mentor the Body of Christ both domestically and internationally to grow through adversity.
Workshop 7 - Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
Vera Louden, married to Jim for over 30 years, mother to 14 children and grandma to 6, she has been on this home education journey since 2001. She has learned to navigate education through the challenges of life–including many years of childbearing, through grief, caring for aging parents, mothering a special learner and walking through health challenges. Through every twist and turn she has found the Lord Jesus to be her refuge and strength. One of her strongest desires is to pass the vision for motherhood on to the next generation through teaching and by walking it out alongside younger women.
Workshop 7 - Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
Arron Bergeron once thought he hated kids and would never have any, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ changes everything. He has been married for 25 years, and has been blessed with the sacred responsibility of raising four sons and three daughters. A teacher at heart, he is a strong advocate for intentional parenting.
Saturday, 4:00-5:30PM – KEYNOTE back to top
PRAIRIE HALL * * * AFTER GRADUATION CEREMONIES * * * Most people think of schooling when they hear the word “education.” In reality, however, the two are not intrinsically linked in any way. Learn why most people are schooled, but never truly educated, and how you can ensure your children get a great education, even without schooling.
KEYNOTE 4 - Saturday, 4:00-5:30pm
Israel Wayne desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.