In summary, Manitoba law requires families to send in three forms: notification by September 1st indicating course of study for each student, and then January 31 and June 30 reports each indicating satisfactory progress.
As of January 2023, the forms have been moved online in a digital form. Parents that prefer a paper copy can phone the Homeschool office to request a hard copy be mailed.
September Notification Form
Homeschooling has ALWAYS been legal in MB and it is your right to homeschool your children. You merely need to inform the province of your intent to homeschool.
Parents can complete and submit homeschool forms online. One form is required for each student. Families can submit forms easily from any device (phone, tablet, computer).
Please remember to notify the province of your intent to homeschool (by Sept. 1) if:
a) your child was previously in public school or homeschooled, or
b) your child will be 7 years of age by December 31 this year.
Your written education plan will need to include: English/LA, Math, Science and Social Studies (and Other, if you wish). However, when you’re just starting out, you may not know what curriculum, course, resources, etc. you want to use. That’s okay! Feel free to put something like, “Interest led. Planning to use: (list resources or curricula you’ve found so far)” then also list any of the following (or others you think of) for each subject: library (public and home), online resources (games, webpages, YouTube videos, etc.), board games, community members, documentaries/movies, discussion, hands-on learning, nature study. . .
Start at the top and enter information requested – more fields will become available as you make selections.
TIP: Prepare a digital written copy of your learning plan ahead of filling out the online form – you can then copy/paste the info onto the form (Blank, unofficial, undated forms are available to use HERE as a rough draft and your own personal record-keeping.)
NOTE: If you are starting to homeschool for the first time, you legally have 30 days from when you “establish your homeschool” (ie. when child is officially removed from attending public school OR the year your child turns age 7) to submit your Notification Form. We recommend contacting the school in writing immediately and affirming in that letter that you will be following all legal requirements to homeschool. You then have the 30 days to submit a Notification Form, without the school reporting your child for being truant.
To access the Notification form
If you have questions regarding these forms, you can contact MACHS be email: [email protected]
For further guidance on reporting from the MACHS perspective, see articles here and here.