If you have a hyperactive or easily distractible child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message that shares the perspective of a homeschooling father who was once a hyperactive homeschooled child. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and will be encouraged that there is hope for your child!
Common mistakes parents make
The goal of every Christian parent is to equip our children to love God, love people and be prepared to face the “real world.” From watching the homeschooling movement for over 30 years, Israel has noticed some common pitfalls, or mistakes, that Christian parents often make in relating to their children. Learn how to avoid some of these common “potholes” in the road.
The way they learn
One of the benefits of homeschooling is the ability of parents to customize education to the individual needs and aptitudes of their children. A look at the multiple ways people PERCEIVE the world and then ORGANIZE what they perceive will help you begin to identify the learning and communication strengths of all the members of your family. This session involves an introduction to the Cynthia Tobias book The Way They Learn. Come get some ideas about YOUR learning style preferences, and some clues to help you figure out the learning style preferences of your children. With this background of knowledge, you’ll find ways to make communicating with and teaching your children to be easier and more rewarding.
Love Teaching Writing
Most homeschool parents are somewhat intimidated by the prospect of teaching their children how to write. We want our children to be able to write well, but are not sure how to get to that place. Should we take a free-writing approach where children are just given space to write whatever they feel like writing, or a more structured approach where they learn a model or method? Writing is an area that we might find ourselves wanting to avoid for as long as possible, but it is also an area we know is a critical communication skill whether students move into a university education or not. This workshop will explore different types of writing, a variety of writing tools, and will help equip participants to take the next step in teaching their children to write.
A Beautiful World of Colour
Whatever your family’s reasons for choosing home education, do you ever feel like there is too much differentiation between “school time” and daily life? Have you identified your child’s learning styles and yet feel stumped in how to move forward in a traditional approach to school? How about engaging in a rich educational journey with your children? Inspired, whole life learning focuses on the journey and process rather than the outcomes and destinations. This approach to education embraces mentor rich communities and encourages everyone to be a learner (despite your age). Discover some practical ways to apply this lifestyle in your family, create flow between “school” and life, and join in some group discussion.
Homeschooling in Community
You are not alone. Learn how to effectively use your best local resource – other homeschool families! We will discuss the value of meeting together for support and encouragement, how to start a local mom’s group, possible resources, topics and meeting formats. We will also talk about how to organize gym nights: their purpose, facilities, sports and games for different ages. This will be an interactive workshop, so come prepared to share what your support group and gym nights look like so that we can all learn from one another.
Teaching Responsibility
There needs to be a bigger vision for homeschool life than checking boxes- we are developing a whole person! Long term goals for your children will inevitably include growing into maturity, including the ability to assume responsibility in various areas of life. Rather than being all serious business, learning to carry responsibilities early in life is best wrapped up in fun and enjoyment. Interested in finding ways to turn daily struggle into daily progress? Take the long term view and come hear ideas that can translate into happy, self-motivated kids.
Teaching Science
Why do we teach science? It is more than just the experiments and the facts that are learned. Gerald has been involved in practical applied science in his career as an agrologist for over 30 years. His message will be that teaching science is more than facts, test tubes and microscopes, and really is a primary basis for a foundation in critical thinking and logical analysis skills. Question and answer period will be included as well.
Teaching the Bible at home
“Rightly dividing the Word of truth” with our children in our homes- are we maximizing this amazing privilege to its fullest potential? We will discuss where this privilege comes from, who is responsible for it, how we go about incorporating it into our daily lives, when is the right time to accomplish it and what is the desired result in our families. Let’s understand this privilege and fulfill our responsibility!
Struggling Learner Panel
Along the homeschooling journey many find themselves the parent of a struggling learner. If you are one of these parents, myths such as “I’m not a good enough teacher,” “a ‘real’ teacher could do better,” or “homeschooling doesn’t work” may distract and discourage you. On this panel hear from those with experience teaching struggling learners. Glean from their life gathered insights and get your questions answered.
Educational Philosophy & Choosing Curriculum
Have you ever wondered why there are so many curriculums to choose from and how they differ? Do you feel overwhelmed navigating the curriculum hall or browsing homeschooling catalogues? This session will give an overview of popular homeschooling methods and discuss the various curriculum options available to choose from. You will be challenged to consider what your educational philosophy is and how that should influence your curriculum choices. Come and be equipped with knowledge and understanding to make the best curriculum choices for your family.
Before you begin
Interested in exploring homeschooling? Get your questions answered by experienced homeschool veterans. They will cover the topics:
Why might it suit your family and your children to homeschool?
How you would take those first steps?
What are the Manitoba requirements?
What supports and resources are out there?
TeenTrak – Call to Discipleship
What does it mean to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ? What does Jesus say is required to follow Him? What does it mean to be separate from the world? Can we really die to the lusts of the flesh? This challenging message will encourage teens to abandon all for the sake of the One who calls.
What about Socilization
Do you know where the theory of peer group socialization originated? Learn what really drives the question: “What About Socialization?” Israel will go back in History and reveal the engineers behind modern social education theory. You may be surprised to learn what is truly behind this infamous question.
Homeschooling from a Biblical Perspective
Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lenses of scripture.
Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize
You love your kids, and homeschooling…. most days! But how do you stay focused on those “not so great” days? Come add some tools to your tool box, by finding out how to dream and plan about learning WITH your kids, and how to keep your dream clear and in focus on those “trying” days. Come talk about paths, tomatoes, bathrooms and dreams, and leave feeling connected and encouraged to walk the path God has for you and your unique family. Matthew 6:20…. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…..
Homeschooling – Preference or Conviction?
Why do you homeschool? When your children are grown, what will define success for you? What is a Biblical philosophy of education? This workshop will help you to focus on what is really important. Israel will share with you what has helped his family avoid burnout and frustration in the many years of homeschooling.
Boys will be Men
Eighty percent of the children labeled “Learning Disabled” in school are boys. That’s why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom and regimentation of school are things to be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is in recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider and leader that naturally and Biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys, but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.
Before You Begin (BYB)
Interested in exploring homeschooling? Get your questions answered by experienced homeschool veterans. They will cover the topics:
Why might it suit your family and your children to homeschool?
How you would take those first steps?
What are the Manitoba requirements?
What supports and resources are out there?
You can also get answers to questions regarding the MACHS conference. You do not need to be attending the conference to benefit from this session.
If you decide to attend the conference, we will help you through registration. Come find out whether homeschooling could be right for you!
Raising Cain without killing Abel
Few things create more tension for parents than hearing their children fight with each other. But it’s nothing new, as the Bible clearly shows. Scripture also shows several causes of sibling rivalry AND teaches us how to deal with it effectively. Peace in your home really is possible! Come and hear how you can help your children learn to live at peace with each other, laying foundations for successful relationships all throughout life.