Which Bias is the Best Bias to be Biased By? (II Corinthians 10:5)

Bill Jack 

Saturday, March 24, 2018  9:00am 

Click here to listen and download: Which Bias is the Best Bias to be Biased By? (II Corinthians 10:5)

Come meet the most dangerous professor your students will sit under in college. Everyone has a preference, a bias, when it comes to matters of style, cuisine or automobiles. However, when it comes to the big issues of life, such as, “Where did life originate?” our mental leaning, our bias, is often shaped by the current cultural thinking or a favorite professor. You wouldn’t trust just anyone to recommend a stock, car, or even a pizza joint, so why accept the biased opinion of a teacher, politician or self-proclaimed expert when it comes to the big questions? Come discover the bias that infects much of academia when it comes to the question of origins, and, most importantly which bias is the best bias to be biased by?