Conference Team

Kelly and Cheryl Ronald are the new Conference Chairs. They are homeschool parents who graduated their youngest several years ago. They are grain farmers near Portage la Prairie and have also been MACHS board members since the spring of 2018.  They have a passion for serving Christ and for encouraging the homeschool community. Chuck and Danea will spend this planning year working together with them as they learn the ropes.

Maureen Toews is the Conference Registrar. She has been homeschooling for 14 years. Maureen and her husband Earl live in Ste. Anne and enjoy their full family table. Earl and Maureen serve on the MACHS Board. MACHS conferences have always been very meaningful to Maureen and she is thankful for the opportunity to serve at conference.

Jarrod and Jamie Giesbrecht are the Exhibitor Coordinators. They have 11 children from 16 years to a few days old!

Ashley Teichrib is in charge of Teen Track. She is the oldest of ten children and a homeschool graduate. She enjoys spending time with her family and has a deep love for music. She is a piano teacher and MYC instructor in her privately owned music studio and loves the opportunity it gives to show the love of Christ to every child who comes through her door.

Debbie Mogilevsky is the social media manager. Blessed with eight children, Debbie and Ian (a psychologist) have enjoyed 27 years of marriage and over the last 20 years, they have homeschooled their children. Three of them have graduated and are successfully pursuing their post-secondary education. Ian and Debbie also serve on the MACHS Board.


Anita McKee is the Volunteer Coordinator. Having taught in the public school system, Anita recognizes the value of one-on-one education / discipleship and incorporating education and their Christian faith into all of life … and so, she and her husband, Bruce, have home-educated their 4 children all the way to completion.  They are passionate about encouraging other families in their home-education journey.

Kyla McKee is a homeschool alumni who is passionate about encouraging the homeschooling community, particularly through coordinating the MACHS Graduation Recognition.  She enjoys travel, books, and golden retrievers and shares her love of music with her 30 piano students.  

Diane Kroeker is the Graphic Designer. 

Johanna Toews is overseeing the Childrens’ program. She has volunteered at past conferences and enjoyed every minute of it. She has been homeschooled all the way through. She enjoys working with children, and sharing the love of Christ with them.