Post Secondary (University) – Panel

Friday, March 22, 2024 – 2:45PM

FAITH (2nd FLOOR – North)

Post Secondary(University) – Panel

Do you feel that having your homeschool graduate gain admittance into university is a monumental task – even bordering on the unattainable? These moms are here to encourage you in that, if they could do it, you can too! Listen as they tell you their stories of success in getting their graduates into university.

Panelists: Larissa MacDonald, Deanna Momtchilov, Tim Lock, Heidi Abott

Moderator: Laura Martens, from HSLDA, will be moderating this session; she will be able to answer any legal questions regarding this whole process.

Laura Martens is a lawyer and a homeschool mom. She started working with HSLDA in 2023 and feels privileged to have the opportunity to assist homeschool families. Laura and her husband, Christoph have three children and enjoy country living, gardening and camping.

The Money Talks – Lorne Robinson

Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 2:45PM


The Money Talks – Lorne Robinson

Many parents want to provide their children with the tools they need to succeed financially, but how do we teach financial wisdom effectively? In this session, discover the five uses of money and five biblical principles that can be practically applied in everyday living. Learn the importance of good stewardship and how to view money and possessions with an eternal perspective. Join us to prepare your children for a secure future.

Lorne has more than 35 years of progressive experience which includes pastoral ministry and serving clients as a financial advisor. Lorne presently serves as the National Director for Kingdom Advisors in Canada (a network of Christian financial professionals providing advice based on Biblical financial principles) and Executive Director – Canada for Compass – finances God’s Way. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Theology, CFP® (Certified Financial Planner), CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), and CKA® (Certified Kingdom Advisor). This equips him to communicate stewardship more effectively. His passion is to help people find a deeper purpose in their financial dealings and contentment with their lifestyle.

Unsubscribe: How to Remain Committed When God Seems Unfair – Vanessa Brobbel

Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 2:45PM


Unsubscribe: How to Remain Committed When God Seems Unfair – Vanessa Brobbel

Lee Strobel commissioned a national survey asking people what question they’d ask if they could only ask God one thing. The Number One response was: “Why is there suffering in the world?”

In fact, it is this very question that causes many to conclude that God must not exist, for if He did; suffering, pain, and evil wouldn’t. Right? The question is: Is it worth it to follow Jesus, or do we click unsubscribe? What if we could prepare our children to think Biblically before they’re presented with the questions that challenge the faith? This session puts some tools in your parental and educational toolbox to help prevent “Unsubscribing.”

Vanessa, a veteran homeschool mom & artist, works developing events and special projects alongside her husband Floyd (CEO) for a ministry called The Voice of the Martyrs. For the past 23 years she has spoken at conferences & women’s retreats across Canada in this capacity. This ministry purposes to create an awareness of the persecution leveled against Christians around the world, while actively providing tools to mentor the Body of Christ both domestically and internationally to grow through adversity.

Engaging Culture – Jason Weening


Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 10:30AM


Engaging Culture -From Complaining & Boycotting to Culture Building – Jason Weening

It’s easier to boycott bad movies/books/products than to create good ones. How is your family engaging culture, media and business? From the book, “Roaring Lambs”, by Bob Briner, this talk will give you ideas on how your family can create and build culture instead of complain and boycott against it.

Before You Begin – Panel


Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 9AM


Before You Begin – Panel

Starting to home educate can be overwhelming. Whether you are on the fence about home education, just starting off or need to review the basics, this workshop is for you. Join us as a panel of home educators share their ‘how-to’s’ about getting started. Come see how different doesn’t mean wrong. Ask the questions you need answers to like “Am I qualified? How do I prepare? Where can I go for help? What should I avoid? What does Manitoba law require?” This is a free session open to the public. Plan to come and be inspired to start to home educate your way.

Panelists: Heather Wickstrom, Angela Wiebe, Gerald Huebner, Diane Kroeker, Laura Martens

Moderator: Gerald Huebner

Homeschooling: Discovering How and Why It Works – Dr Jay L. Wile

Saturday, March 23, 2024 @ 4:30PM


Homeschooling: Discovering How and Why It Works – Dr Jay L. Wile

Dr. Wile became involved in the homeschooling movement because of the excellent homeschool graduates he encountered while he was on the faculty at Ball State University. Over the years, he has followed the academic and professional literature to see how others have evaluated homeschooled students, and the results are clear: homeschooling works very well. On average, homeschooled students are academically superior to their peers, they are more likely to be involved in their community than their peers, and they are more likely to be enjoying life than their peers. They also have some very encouraging things to say when they are asked to evaluate homeschooling. In this talk, Dr. Wile reviews some of the studies that demonstrate these facts, and he also speculates on why homeschooling works so well. In addition, he shares some words of encouragement and advice from homeschool graduates.

Dr. Wile holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and is an internationally-known speaker, having presented lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution in several different countries.
He is best known for his award-winning K-12 science textbooks designed specifically for the home school, which have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Afrikaans. Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 35 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and owns a specialty shipping company (Paws Logistics) with her husband, James. You can learn about Dr. Wile’s curriculum at

Building a Biblical Worldview – Dr Jay L. Wile

Saturday, March 23, 2024 @ 10:30AM


Building a Biblical Worldview – Dr Jay L. Wile

This is not your standard “Biblical worldview” talk! In fact, Dr. Wile doesn’t think that a Biblical worldview is built with courses and books about worldviews. In Dr. Wile’s opinion, a Biblical worldview is built by studying the Scriptures seriously and studying the academic subjects that relate to Christianity seriously. Thus, he suggests that a student truly needs to build his or her own worldview, rather than being taught what worldview he or she should have. This leads to a Biblical worldview that might be slightly different from his or her parents’ worldview, but it will be one that the student will be more likely to believe throughout the rest of his or her life.

Dr. Wile holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and is an internationally-known speaker, having presented lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution in several different countries.
He is best known for his award-winning K-12 science textbooks designed specifically for the home school, which have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Afrikaans. Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 35 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and owns a specialty shipping company (Paws Logistics) with her husband, James. You can learn about Dr. Wile’s curriculum at

Why Homeschool THROUGH High School – Dr Jay L. Wile

Saturday, March 23, 2024 @ 9AM


Why Homeschool THROUGH High School – Dr Jay L. Wile

Homeschooling parents are often faced with a difficult decision when their children reach high school age. Typically, the parents feel they are just not able to teach the more demanding courses that are required at the high school level. As a result, many parents feel that they must send their children to school for a proper high school education. In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former teacher at both the university and high school levels, will explain why such a decision is not in the best interest of the student.

Using data gathered from many different sources, including his own experiences, Dr. Wile demonstrates that homeschooled students are better academically prepared and better socialized than their publicly- or privately-schooled counterparts. These facts allow Dr. Wile to make a compelling case that the best thing for a homeschooled student is to stay in
homeschool, regardless of the parent’s academic abilities.

Dr. Wile holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and is an internationally-known speaker, having presented lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution in several different countries.
He is best known for his award-winning K-12 science textbooks designed specifically for the home school, which have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Afrikaans. Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 35 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and owns a specialty shipping company (Paws Logistics) with her husband, James. You can learn about Dr. Wile’s curriculum at

Ten Tips to Improve Your Homeschool Year – Dr Jay L. Wile

Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 7PM


Ten Tips to Improve Your Homeschool Year – Dr Jay L. Wile

Dr. Jay L. Wile has been working with homeschoolers for more than 20 years. As a result, he has been able to learn from the pros. He also homeschooled his daughter from the time she was adopted until she graduated high school. Blending his personal experience with the things he has learned from veteran homeschoolers, Dr. Wile discusses ten things you can do to make your homeschool year more enjoyable and effective. Whether you are a new homeschooler or an experienced one, this talk will help you make the most of your homeschool year!

Dr. Wile holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and is an internationally-known speaker, having presented lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution in several different countries.
He is best known for his award-winning K-12 science textbooks designed specifically for the home school, which have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Afrikaans. Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 35 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and owns a specialty shipping company (Paws Logistics) with her husband, James. You can learn about Dr. Wile’s curriculum at

Teaching Science at Home – Dr Jay L. Wile

Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 4:15PM


Teaching Science at Home – Dr Jay L. Wile

If there is one subject that most homeschooling parents feel inadequate at teaching, it is science. Most parents don’t know how science should be covered throughout a student’s schooling, and many don’t think they know science well enough to teach it. In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you an overview of how to teach science at home from the earliest years through high school. He stresses the differences between elementary and high school science and how to use the middle school years to bridge the two. He also surveys the curricula available to homeschooling parents and makes recommendations.

Dr. Wile holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and is an internationally-known speaker, having presented lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution in several different countries.
He is best known for his award-winning K-12 science textbooks designed specifically for the home school, which have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Afrikaans. Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 35 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and owns a specialty shipping company (Paws Logistics) with her husband, James. You can learn about Dr. Wile’s curriculum at

Our Story – Dr Jay L. Wile

Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 1PM


Our Story – Dr Jay L. Wile

Dr. Jay L. Wile discusses the circumstances around which he and his wife adopted their daughter, Dawn, and began homeschooling her. As the main person in charge of Dawn’s home education, Dr. Wile shares the things that he did to encourage critical thinking, research skills, and study skills in Dawn. He also discusses what he saw as the major benefits of home education for Dawn. He then shares Dawn’s own evaluation of her homeschooling experience, including what she thought was better than her public school education as well as what she thought was worse.

Dr. Wile holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and is an internationally-known speaker, having presented lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution in several different countries.
He is best known for his award-winning K-12 science textbooks designed specifically for the home school, which have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Afrikaans. Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 35 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and owns a specialty shipping company (Paws Logistics) with her husband, James. You can learn about Dr. Wile’s curriculum at